I. Young LeadershipModule and Objectives – Leadership doesn’t really mean the top executive positions but to create leaders out of B Schools who would be meaningfully contribute to the growth of organization with a self-regulatory and relationship management model.

To ensure continuing performance of business, it is essential to nurture the leadership potential of these young leaders and train them with need of the hour leadership qualities and competencies.

Module outline

  1. Personal Vision & Mission
  2. Personal Goal Setting and Action Planning
  3. Personal style Inventory & Career Drivers (Psychometric Assessment)
  4. Emotional Skills Assessment
  5. Leadership Communication & Emotional Intelligence
  • Leadership Communication Styles
  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Regulation
  • Relationship Management
  • Networking
  1. Intention and Attention
  2. First Lead Yourself
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creative Thinking
  • Bringing the leader in you out of pattern

Number of Hours / Days – 16 hours / 2days

Approach – Facilitative Training Mode, backed by exercises and activities leading to reflective and experiential learning

II. Effective Business Communication – Module and Objectives- The key objective is to enable participants to understand the communication skills and appreciate the need for its effective in achieving the desired outcomes of a communication scenario. The module aims at empowering participants to become skilled business communicators.

Module Outline

  1. Understanding Communication skills, strategies and framework
  2. Communication shutdown indicators
  3. Communication and building sustainable relationships
  4. 7C’s of Communication – using game simulation
  5. Communication types
  • In person
  • Meetings / Groups
  • Presentations
  • Public Speaking
  1. Spoken and Written Communication – 3 V’s and 3 I’s
  2. Handling difficult communication situations
  3. Feedback as an important communication tool
  4. What are your Communication motivators and How do we identify them ?
  5. Common Communication Challenges

Number of Hours / Days – 16 hours / 2days

Approach – Facilitative Training Mode, backed by exercises and activities leading to reflective and experiential learning

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