Laughter Yoga Excercise

Laughter Yoga Excercise

LY yoga Certified Trainer


Certified laughter Yoga trainer &Certified YOGA Instructor from Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samathana (SVYASA) University, Bangalore

Carrying more than 20 Years of experience in YOGA, by practicing rigorously and guiding others. Also personally experienced amazing physical and mental strength through the practice of yoga, meditation & pranayama. This encourages me to share my experiences & teach these techniques to people from different walks of life, so that they can enjoy t

    Laugh to be healthy

    Laughter yoga

    hese benefits and lead great healthy life.

    Worked as an IT professional for more than a decade along with practicing Yoga, Pranayam, meditation, which enable me to have clear guidelines for corporate professionals to maintain good health and have proper ‘work-life balance’. Also exhibit self-driven & motivational qualities with positive energy, good command and great personality.


    Certified YOGA Instructor from SVYASA University, Bangalore

    Certification gave right approach for Presentation of YOGA with detailed DEMO, explanation, correction and interaction. This has sharpened my yoga skills and transformed me to a qualified yoga Instructor

    Adept at studying & recommending person-specific ‘asanas’, appropriate to the individual’s requirement

    1. Personality Development –Spiritual Level.
    2. Initial postures for all exercises and yoga postures
    3. Loosening Exercises
    4. Special tips for Beginners
    5. Suryanamaskara –Twelve –stepped Salutation to Sun God
    6. Yoga Postures
    7. Standing, Sitting, prone and Supine Posture
    8. Breathing Exercises
    9. Preparatory Kriyas for Pranayama
    10. Pranayama
    11. Meditation

    Special Meditation Techniques

    Cyclic meditation

    Technique has been designed on the principle of alternate stimulation and relaxation incorporates the concept of cyclicity and hence is in tune with nature. A number of stimulations of varying intensity suited to different levels of stress bring out harmonious growth in tune with one’s innate nature.

    Cyclic meditation especially developed by SVYASA and effectively used in Stress Management of Excessive Tensions and found to be extremely helpful for corporate people at the end of tired day

    “Jyoti Trataka”

    Meditation, which improves eyesight and if done regularly keeps away the eyestrain by improving the stamina of eye muscles and giving deep relaxation to them. It makes eyes clear, bright and radiant, and also cleanses the tear glands and purifies the optical system. It strengthens the ability of the lens to adjust to distances better. It balances nervous system relieving nervous tension, anxiety, depression and insomnia.


    Yoga is a process of all round personality Development by:

    • Deep relaxation at muscular level
    • Slowing down of breath and maintaining balance at Pranic level
    • Increasing creative and willpowers at mental level
    • Sharpening the intellect and calming down the mind at intellectual level
    • Enhancing the happiness in life and equipoise at emotional level and
    • Manifesting the innate divinity in man in all aspects of life