Corporate Training Programs

Module 1 – Motivation: What Motivates Me and Why?

This module will help build a foundation for students to know and understand what motivates them and why.
1: Understand the concept and recognize the importance of motivation.
2: Articulate a variety of factors that influence and promote motivation.
3: Identify specific factors that are highly likely to influence and promote motivation individually for each student.

Module 2 – Framing and Internalizing My Values

1: Explore personal, work, and people values.
2: Identify specific value preferences and desires and take action based on identified values.
3: Understand more about values and prioritizing things that are most important, especially in a work environment

Module 3 – Learning to Learn

Students will understand and apply personal learning style in training and work situations. They will also recognize and relate to others’ learning styles.
1: Know their personal preferred learning and working styles.
2: Understand and articulate their strengths and attributes.
3: Identify compensation methods when non-preferred learning styles or limitations are necessary in a learning or working situation.

Module 4 – Expanding Cognitive Skills

In this module, students will learn how to apply cognitive skills when thinking about starting a microenterprise venture.
1: Understand and apply divergent and convergent thinking.
2: Use critical, creative and intuitive skills in self-analysis and microenterprise venture choices.
3: Objectively discuss the positives and negatives of beginning a home-based microenterprise business.

Module 5 – Effective Communication: Listening, Speaking, Writing,Interpreting

The goal of this module is to equip students with practical, effective communication skills—listening, speaking, writing and interpretation.
1. Be an active listener, listening with comprehension and understanding.
2. Speak clearly with efficiency and success in delivering the message.
3. Assess general non-verbal behaviors and respond effectively.
4. Interpret written information and respond suitably.
5: Write so others understand.

Module 6 – Goal Orientation

This module will help students to develop and write a reasonable and attainable goal-directed plan.
1: Identify and define goal-orientation behaviors.
2: Understand the elements required to set realistic, effective goals.
3: Create and implement a goal-based plan and implement.
4: Monitor and evaluate their goal-based progress, adjusting the goal plan as needed.

Module 7 – Prioritization: The Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How

By the end of this module, students will understand and differentiate between essential and non-essential tasks or functions to complete work and meet deadlines.
1: Comprehend the six major focus points of prioritizing jobs and work tasks using the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” strategy.
2: Understand personal or individual styles or modes of work behavior relative to prioritization.
3: Identify prioritization methods that might be workable when contracting/working on a project.

Module 8 – Organization Strategies

In this module, students will learn to recognize the importance of knowing and applying organization strategies and techniques when starting and managing a business.
1: Understand organization preferences and patterns.
2: Recognize methods of organization that support preferences and patterns when organizing materials and information.
3: Implement a number of strategies and techniques for exploration that will support a good business model

Module 9 – The Time Management Framework

The goal of this module is to help students understand the need to manage time efficiently and balance work and personal needs.
1: Recognize what good time management means and looks like.
2: Understand and use a time management assessment as a mechanism for assessing personal time use.
3: Comprehend how to organize time using a time log.

Module 10 – Critical Thinking Skills

This module will prepare students to build and apply critical thinking skills. Students will also obtain the ability to critically evaluate information outside of themselves and have an accurate appreciation for specific circumstances or performance.
1: Define critical thinking skills and associated attributes and characteristics.
2: Observe or read about other critical thinkers, identifying key attributes and characteristics.
3: Develop improved critical thinking skills through analysis, evaluation, and insight of personal performance and situations

Module 11 – Strategies for Effective Problem Solving

Students will apply simple, effective problem solving approaches to situations.

Module 12 – Exploring Ethical Behavior

1: Understand the concept of ethical and unethical behaviors, practices and attitudes.
2: Recognize when and how to maintain confidentiality and integrity on and off the job.
3: Identify personal working standards and behaviors.
In this module, learners will comprehend the concept of professional ethics and apply such standards as the Braillist’s Pledge of Professional Ethics to a home-based business practice as a braille transcriber.

Module 13 – Customer Service Standards

In this module, students will develop and cultivate knowledge of professionalism in meeting customer needs and expectations.
1: Know the meaning and fundamentals of poor, good, and great customer service.
2: Be familiar with the skills involved in developing business/professional relationships with customers.
3: Understand and clarify expectations with customers/prospective customers leading to effective decision making.
4: Describe and/or exhibit suitable personal image and presentation.

Module 14 – Managing Me

By the end of this module, students will have acquired an understanding of self-management skills, particularly related to the workplace when self-employed.
1: Understand the meaning and positive effects of self-management especially when self-employed.
2: Identify work-based self-management skills.
3: Recognize what can get in the way of self-management.
4: Identify methods and techniques to monitor and self-evaluate self-management skills.

Module 15 – Career Planning and Portfolio Development

By the end of this last soft/life skills module, students will gain an understanding of career planning, portfolio development, and display knowledge of how to apply for jobs/positions in contractual agreements.
1: Know the basics of career planning and portfolio development.
2: Understand the process of applying for jobs/positions.
3: Access and use available resources.`
4: Learn tips for success to land the job or contract during exploration.
5: Develop great interviewing skills.
6: Comprehend the elements needed to keep the job or contract.