New-Counselling-form Career Counselling Form Career Counselling Age Range 18-24 25-34 35-44 45+ What is your highest level of education completed? High school diploma or equivalent Some college or vocational training Bachelor’s degree Master’s degree or higher Gender Male Female Prefer not to say Field of Study (for highest qualification or additional degrees): Business Arts/Humanities Science/Technology Others How satisfied are you with your current performance? Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Have you explored various career options related to your field of interest? Yes, extensively Yes, somewhat No, not yet No, not interested in exploring career options How clear are you about your next career step? Very clear Somewhat clear Unclear What barriers do you perceive in achieving your next career step? Lack of resources Financial constraints Skills gap Family commitments Others Have you identified any specific career goals you would like to achieve? Yes, clear goals with a plan to achieve them Yes, but still refining my goals No, not sure about my goals yet No, I don’t have specific goals Which of these factors influence on your career choices Current trends in the job market Personal interest Parental expectations Peer influence Reasons for uncertainty about the next career step: Unaware of career options in my field Unaware of job market trends Unfamiliar with skills needed for certain careers Other How satisfied are you with your current career? Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied How well do you think your current educational path aligns with your long-term career aspirations? Very well Somewhat well Not very well Not at all Where do you typically seek information about career options? Career counsellors Online resources Family/friends How confident are you in your ability to achieve your career goals? Very confident Confident Somewhat confident Not very confident Not confident at all How important do you believe career counseling is in helping individuals achieve their academic and career aspirations? Not important at all Somewhat important Moderately important Very important Extremely important What is your email address? What is your phone number? Please select which of our Career counsellors you would like to book a session with: Select a counselor Neeta Gulati Srinivas Pamela NewCounsellorName Enter Link to Resume (optional): Book Session