Health Counselling Booking Form

Health and Nutrition Counselling Form

Health and Nutrition Counselling

Health and nutrition counseling involves providing individuals with information, guidance, and support to help them make informed decisions about their dietary habits and overall well-being. It focuses on promoting healthy eating patterns, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, managing chronic conditions, and addressing specific nutritional needs.

How often do you seek advice or counseling on health and nutrition?

How often do you seek advice or counseling on health and nutrition?

Which of the following statements best describes your attitude towards seeking professional guidance for health and nutrition?

What is your primary source of nutrition information?

Which of the following factors influences your dietary choices the most?

How would you rate your current level of knowledge about nutrition?

How many servings of fruits and vegetables do you typically consume per day?

How often do you engage in physical activity per week?

Do you have any specific dietary restrictions or preferences?

How often do you read nutrition labels before purchasing food products?

How often do you consume sugary beverages in a typical week?

How often do you seek advice or counseling on health and nutrition?

How often do you experience digestive discomfort after meals? (e.g., bloating, gas, indigestion)

Are you currently taking any prescription medications or supplements?

How often do you eat out at restaurants or fast food establishments?

How do you ensure you stay hydrated throughout the day?

What is your email address?

What is your phone number?

Please select which of our Health and Nutrition counsellors you would like to book a session with: