Student Support Counselling Booking Form Student Problems Counselling Form Student Personal Problems Counselling Age Range 18-24 25-34 35-44 45+ What are the primary challenges you are facing currently? Academic stress Family Issues Financial Issues Health problems affecting studies Gender Male Female Prefer not to say Do you participate in any sports or physical activities regularly? Yes, regularly Occasionally No How do you feel about your relationships with your classmates? Good Neutral Challenging Are you satisfied with your current circle of friends? Yes No Somewhat Do you have friends with whom you can discuss your difficulties openly? Yes, I have supportive friends No, I prefer not to discuss my problems with friends I have some friends but don’t feel comfortable discussing certain issues How do you cope with academic stress? Time management techniques Seeking help from teachers or mentors Taking breaks and practicing self-care Ignoring the stress and pushing through Others Are you satisfied with the support provided by your school/college regarding student counseling services? Yes No Have you experienced any form of bullying or harassment in your school/college? Yes No How do you typically deal with conflicts with peers or classmates? Confront the issue directly Avoidance Seeking help from a teacher or counselor Other Are you experiencing any difficulties balancing academics with personal life responsibilities? Yes No How often do you feel overwhelmed by your academic workload? Frequently Occasionally Rarely Never With whom do you prefer to share your problems? Career counsellors Online resources Family/friends What additional support or resources do you think would benefit students like yourself? More counseling services Peer support groups Workshops on stress management and mental health How important do you believe Counseling is in helping individuals dealing with their problems? Not important at all Somewhat important Moderately important Very important Extremely important What is your email address? What is your phone number? Please select which of our counsellors you would like to book a session with: Select a counselor Neeta Gulati Enter Link to Resume (optional): Book Session